Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Registration Ruination

One of our vehicles is a 21-year-old Ford Tempo. I've had this vehicle since 1998. It's a beater, but it still works great. My man uses it to get back and forth to work everyday. We keep it registered in Alaska. Recently, the registration came due. I got online and renewed the registration. Yesterday, I received the new registration in the mail. I opened the envelope and showed my man the new certificate and sticker.

"Honey, here is the new registration for your car."

"Ok," he said.

Then I set it on the counter so he could put it in the car when he left for work in the morning.

This morning I noticed Max cutting up a piece of paper. I didn't stop him. It was a harmless activity and kept him occupied while I did the dishes. I should have paid closer attention.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for duplicate registrations... And, at least he didn't shred the '16 sticker !
